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It is the most comprehensive and concise book in Arabic written on the topic of islam. It was translated by Charles River Editors and includes footnotes which were taken from commentaries by over 45 traditional muslim scholars. This site has it is available for you to download PDF for free. For centuries, Muslims have been trying to translate the Quran in order to understand and learn about Islam and be able to talk about it more effectively with others. There are many translations of quran available but most translations lack details certain things that would be helpful when learning about Islam. This book tries to address certain things that people may want to know about Islam. It is translated by Muslims for Muslims and English Speaking People. Hajj, “the Pilgrimage” is one of the five Pillars of Islam that are required to be performed by Muslims at least once in their lifetime if they are physically and financially able. Muslims should visit the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia at least once in their lifetime because it is considered as one of the holiest places on earth, All Muslims who can afford it should visit this place at least once in their lifetimes because it is required under the Muslim law. There are certain things that should be known about the Hajj, and if you’re planning to take the Hajj, you should try to understand these things before taking it. The second Pillar of Islam is Salah, better known as prayer. Muslims pray 5 times a day; three times during the day and twice during the night. This act is required by all Muslims, but there are certain things that should be known about this pillar of Islam. There are different forms of prayer that muslims can perform during their lifetime; they can include Tahajjud (night prayer), Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) and Qiyam (extra prayers performed after salah). Zakah is one of the five Pillars of Islam that is required to be performed by Muslims in their lifetime. All Muslim should know about this pillar and how it should be done. Not only does it purify your money, but it also helps them to spend their money in a way which would help others and themselves get closer to Allah (God). There are certain things that should be known about zakat and how it works. Sawm or Fasting is the fourth Pillar of Islam; all Muslims should fast at least once in their lifetime if they can afford it. If you’re not able to fast for a certain time, you can make up for the missed days later on. There are certain things that should be known about this pillar of Islam. Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam which every muslim, male or female, should try to perform at least once in their lifetime. This is because it is one of the five pillars that every muslim has to perform, but there are certain things that should be known about this pillar. The last pillar of Islam is Salat, better known as prayer. Muslims pray five times a day; three times during the day and twice during the night. This act is required by all Muslims, but there are certain things that should be known about this pillar of Islam. cfa1e77820


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